Week Preview March 2-7

I just wrote about this weeks whiteboard workout and then I deleted it all. Because you should just not know anything about it and just come out and have a super time.


Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Drive, Stretch, WB, KBS

Building: Jerk

Being: Add: MU’s & HSPU’s


Everyone: Whiteboard Workout


Conditioning & Stretch


Foundation: RDL, L sit, Split Squat, Tib Raise, Rowing/Burpees

Building: Hang Snatch, Halting Snatch Deadlift or Back Squat

Being: Add: Push Press, T2B


Foundation: Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3, Cross Bench Pullover, Bike, Burpees, Thursters

Building: Hang Clean

Being: Add: Bike, Burpees, Pwr Cleans


Conditioning or Lifting

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