Week Preview: March 14 – 19


Almost all folks are back from holidays, looking forward to seeing you all this week! Two weeks remain for the CrossFit & Sublime Opens! Hope you can make it out for the remaining Saturday testers… got a good one for you this week!


In case you missed it! Sublime will be introducing a new stream of programming to go along with our Foundation, Building, and Being streams. A weightlifting stream will begin in April, specifically designed for improving performance in the Olympic Lifts. So, if you have been in the Building program and realized that you get really amped about lifting days and want to do more of them, this is for you. I have wanted to do this for some time, finally seem to have enough interest! Currently have 7 people enrolled. The program will run Mon – Tue – Thur – Fri – Sat, and we will set up a Thursday evening group session every 4-6 weeks. The program will begin Thursday, April 7th, and we will start with a group session that evening @6:00pm. The group sessions are by no means mandatory but will be very helpful.

– This IS NOT a supplement to the other programs. Meaning you must  follow this program full time to do these workouts.
– A Google group will be created and I will require daily results
– Men must have:
Clean & Jerk = Bodyweight
Snatch = 3/4 Bodyweight
– Women must have:
Clean & Jerk = 3/4 Bodyweight
Snatch = 1/2 Bodyweight
– Everyone must have: Relatively healthy shoulders/back/knees. I will be the one that determines that.
Please email me, kyle@sublimesc.com, if you would like more information or if you would like to join the group. I will be talking individually with those interested to ensure this is a healthy move for them. Can’t wait to start!


Allllllllllllright… Foundation rolls into week 3/4 and Building looks to build momentum in week 2/4!


Foundation – Bench + BSQ + Upperbody Intervals

Building – Clusters (Snatch/Press/FSQ) + DB Push Press & Walking Lunge



Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (Row/Bike/Burpee/Air Sq/KBS)

Building – Midline Intervals + Strength Accessory



Foundation – DB Incline Bench & Band Pull Aparts + RDL + Upper Body Strength Accessory

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean Cluster + Deadlift Cluster + Chin Ups + GHR & Ring Rows



Foundation – FSQ & Ring Pull Ups + Rev. Sled Drag + Midline Intervals

Building – Rowing Intervals + Bike Intervals



Everyone – Sublime Open 16.4 (Rowing & Burpees Over Barbell)

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