Our last Open Saturday workout is complete. This final one had Marley and Ashton in first place for the Rx version and Pam and Tony on first place in scaled. It wasn’t an easy workout to complete and over half of the people who tried it finished before the time cap. Great job everyone!
CBP, Cuban Rotation, Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch
Foundation: Pendlay Row, BS
Building: Sn, Sn Deadlift
Row, SL Calf Raise, V ups, FS, Leg Curl
+ Conditioning
Conditioning & Stretch
Incline Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 stretch
Foundation: DL, Landmine Press
Building: CJ, Push Press
Heavy Sled, Seated GM, Leg Raise, Bike, Couch Stretch
Foundation: Conditioning
Building: BS
Interval Conditioning