Week Preview March 7-12

The Sublime Open workouts are a ton of fun and great energy so if you haven’t come out for one yet try to make it before it’s done!


Sled Push, Seated GM, Leg Raise or T2B, Bike, Couch Stretch

Foundation: Back Squat, Pendlay Row

Building: OHS, Snatch


CBP, Cuban Rotation, Farmers Carry, Sled Push, Pike Stretch + Conditioning


Stretch and Conditioning


Row, Calf Raise, V-ups, FS, Ring Curl

Foundation: RDL, Push Press

Building: Hng Cl + Jerk, Push Press


DB Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 stretch +

Foundation: Variety Movement Conditioning

Building: Squats


Sublime Open #3!! With Coach Claire

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