Week Preview March 1-7

Hi everyone, the province may be allowing us to exercise again in a class like setting without masks as soon as the end of this week. I feel this is a great step forward and am very confident that our members will be safe to exercise without masks.  We are doing an excellent job of staying socially distanced while we are in the gym together and not having a mask will help people keep their hands off of their faces while in the gym.


Incline Chest Flye, Trap-3, Sled Drag, Curls and Tricep Press + Lifting

Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back Squat
Building: Hi Hang Pwr Clean, Back Squat


Deep Walking Lunges, Tib Raise, Back Extension, Band Hip Flexion + Conditioning


Conditioning and mobility


KB Squat, CGBP or Ring Dip, DB Row, Sled Push/pull, Couch Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Deadlift, Push Press
Building: Hi Hang Pwr Snatch, Snatch DL


Calf Raise, Nordic, Garhammer, Bulgarian Split Squat + Lifting                                                                                                                                  
Building: Push Press
Everyone: Tempo FS/BS combo



Lifting: Snatch + CJ

Being; HS Work

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