Week Preview June 3-8

Hi everyone! We’re going to deload Building this week, so no Oly lifting. If you have been training hard 4-5 times per week since we started this cycle then focusing on Foundation only might be in order. If you’ve been off or inconsistent for a bit and are ready to get back at it then feel free to go all out on the Advanced options this week.


Foundation: DB Incline Flye, Trap 3 raise, Rev. Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Press

Advanced: Intervals: BJSD, Bike, OHS


Foundation: Sublime Mile intervals, Deep Walking Lunges, Tib Raise, SL Back Ext., Band Hip Flexion

Advanced: Deadlift, DU, T2B


Stretch and Mobility


Foundation: Row/Bike, CGBP or Ring Dip, SA DB Row, Sled Push/Pull, Couch Stretch

Advanced: Walking Lunge, SA KB Swing, Bike


Foundation: Calf Raise, Nordic Curl, Garhammer, Tempo Fr and Back Squat

Advanced: Push Press, C2B


Conditioning: 45 minutes Bike, BJSD, Row, Skip, SA KBS

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