Week Preview June 23 – 28

Alright! New cycles for both groups, but not all that different. Foundation continues with a structural strength focus & aerobic energy system training. And Building is primarily training the aerobic energy system with a secondary focus on structural strength related to weightlifting & gymnastics. Enjoy!




Foundation – Front Rack Split Squats + UbPull & Dips + Rowing

Building – 3 Position Snatch + Jerk + Back Squat



Foundation – Low % Aerobic (TGU/Skip/Step Ups/Farmer walk/KBS/Planks)

Building – Gymnastic Intervals + Aerobic Power (AD/Burpees/Pull Ups)



Foundation – Front Squat & Back Squat + Curlsss (OH WERE NOT DONE PREPPING FOR BEACH SEASON YET!) & Floor Press + CrossFit Aerobic (KBS/Run)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch Balance & OHS + Clean & Jerk + RDL & Dips



Foundation – RDL + DB OH Press & Rows + Aerobic (Burpees/KBS)

Building – Gymnastic Intervals + Low % Aerobic (AD/TGU/Row)



Everyone – Jumping Fun + MB Throwing Fun + That Frisbee action we missed out on before + Tabata sprints

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