Week Preview June 22-27

Sooo 4th week back in the gym. We’ve been doing high reps and lighter weight so far, this week we’ll move slowly towards less reps and more weight.

The days will include Foundation plus EITHER Lifting or Conditioning as follows:


Bike, Rhythm Squats, Jefferson Curl, Seated HF Raise, Couch Stretch + Conditioning


Push ups, Row, Ext. Rot, Powell Raise, Sled Drag + Lifting

Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back Squat

Building: Hang Pwr Snatch + Back Squat


Conditioning & Mobility


Med Ball Run, BB OH Press, Chins, Step Ups, 90/90 + Conditioning


DB Split Squats, Tib Raise, Back Extn, Tuck ups, Row + Lifting

Foundation: Deadlift, Push Press

Building: Hang Pwr Clean + Push Jerk


Conditioning: Sprints!!

Lifting: Snatch + CJ

Being: Handstand Practice

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