Week Preview: June 2 – 7

Couple schedule notes:

Park workouts are back! Starting this Saturday we will have a 8am CrossFit class still in the gym. This will be for making up a missed day or extra work. Then we will have 2 slots for the park workout. Meet in the park for 9:30am & 10:30am!

– Thanks again to all who came out last Sunday. It was cool to see so many of our members participating, helping out or just watching.


Building begins post testing cycle with week 1/3 & Foundation enters week 2/4…



Foundation – Front & Back Squats + Bench & Curls + CrossFit Aerobic (Deadlift/Box Jump/Row)

Building – Snatch Barbell Complex + Clean & Jerk Barbell Complex + Front Squat



Foundation – TGU + Low % Aerobic (Run/Bear Crawl/Step Ups/Farmer Carry/Skipping/AD/KBS)

Building – Gymnastic intervals + Low % Aerobic (Same as Foundation)



Foundation – DB Bench & Ring Row + Split Squat + Lower Body Strength

Building – Rest Or 40:00 EZ Aerobic



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean & Jerk + Snatch Accessory + CGBP



Foundation – RDL + DB Walking Lunge + Curl & Step Ups + Hollow Rock & Hip Ext.

Building – Gymnastic intervals + MAP (Thruster/DU/Burpees/KBS/Row)



Park Workout – More Single Leg Jumping + MB Fun + MB Inspired Relay Race 🙂

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