Week Preview June 17-22

Ashton and I made some great videos (probably not our best work, still getting the hang of it) of some of the exercises you’ll be doing this week. Check out FB or IG if you haven’t seen them yet.


Foundation: Cross-Bench Pullover, Cuban Rotation, SA Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch

Building: Push Jerk

Being: T2B, S2O


Foundation: Row, Calf Raise, V-ups, Front Squat, Ring Leg Curl

Building: Power Clean, Clean Grip DL or Back Squat

Being: KBS, WB, DU’s


Conditioning & Stretch- Burpee BJ, Sled Shove, Bike, Thursters, Row, WB, Plank


Foundation: Incline Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pulls, Sled Drag, 90/90 hips pulses

Building: Jerk

Being: MU’s, HSPUs


Foundation: Sled Push, Seated Good Morning, Hanging Leg Raise, Bike, Couch Stretch

Building: Snatch, Sn Deadlift or Squat

Being: Pull ups, Box Jump, Cal Row, T2B


Conditioning: Spy vs. Spy

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: Handstands, DU’s

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