Week Preview June 16 – 21

Final week of current cycle for both groups! Hope you enjoyed all the curls, I know I enjoyed watching them.

Mark Scott



Foundation – Back Squat + Ring Row + CrossFit Aerobic (Deadlift/Box Jump/Row)

Building – Snatch Barbell Complex + Clean & Jerk Barbell Complex + Front Squat & Back Squat



Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (Step Ups/Farmer Walk/Row/Jump Rope/Burpee/AD)

Building – Gymnastic Skill + Intervals (Run/Burpee/KBS)



Foundation – Split Squat (Who can get 1/3 body weight per hand for 8!?) + Upper Body Push/Pull & Goblet Squat

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch Balance + Clean & Jerk + CGBP



Foundation – RDL + Aerobic Intervals (Walking Lunge/Hollow Rock/Step Up/Hip Extension)

Building – Gymnastic Skills + Aerobic Intervals (Step Up/Farmer Walk/Row/Jump Rope/Burpee/AD)



Everyone: Hopefully we don’t get rained out again! Training is still on if it rains, we just bring the party inside.

Jumping Fun + MB Throwing Fun + Soccer Ball Fun

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