Week Preview June 15-20

Ok!! We’ve got our tempo front and back squats on Friday so our big lifts have changed days this week. You guys have been impressively getting through some long tough conditioning sessions in hot humid weather over the past few weeks so well done. For a special treat we’ve got some longer distance running back in here on Monday.

The days will include Foundation plus EITHER Lifting or Conditioning as follows:


Sublime Mile, CGBP or Dips, DB Row, Sled, Couch Stretch + Conditioning


DB Flye, Trap 3, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep press + Lifting

Foundation: Deadlift, Push Press

Building: Hi Hang Pwr Clean + Push Press


Conditioning & Mobility


Deep Walking Lunges, Tib Raise, Back Extn, Band Hip Flexion, Wall Slides + Conditioning


Calf Raise, Nordic, Garhammer + Lifting

Foundation: Pendlay Row + Tempo FS BS

Building: Hi Hang Pwr Snatch + Tempo FS BS



Lifting: Snatch + CJ

Being: Handstand Practice

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