Week Preview : June 15-20

Foundation ramps up the volume for week 4/4. Building switches back to an intensification week (3/4). Being begins a new cycle.




Foundation – Front Squat & Back Squat & Chins + Goblet Skater Sq & DB Rows + Sprints

Building – FSQ 3RM + Push Press 3RM + Sprints + KBS/Dips



Foundation – Low Impact Day (Bike/Bear/Hip Ext./Farmer Walk/Row/Midline)

Building – Snatch Complex + Rope Climb & Sled & Lunges & Legless Bike Ride + Farmer Carry



Foundation – DB Floor Press & Rack Pulls + DB Press & Leg Curls + Alt. Tabata (Push Up/KBS)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Bench (Heavy Singles) + Back Squat (Heavy Triples) & K2E + LP (Bike/DB Thruster/Row)



Foundation – Goblet Pulsations & Ring Rows + DB Bench & DB RDL + “100FML” 🙂 Yay! It involves the Bike & Stuff

Building – Hang Cleans (Heavy Singles) + Pull Ups + “100FML” 🙂 Yay! It involves the Bike & Stuff



Come on down for a team workout! (Bike/Sled/Row/WB)

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