Week Preview June 1-6

Well, after over two months of working out a home and 3 weeks of working out in the parking lot, we are now able to reopen our gym! Programming, session schedules and session flow will all look a little different as we all adjust to new safety measures, but it’s still going to be the fun, easy going place you’ve always known!

We’ve been keeping up with our Foundation work and a fair amount of body weight and gymnastics training at home as well as a lot of interval and high intensity conditioning. We will begin our new cycle on Monday as we continue with that work and add barbell and Olympic lifting gradually back into our routines.

The days will include Foundation plus EITHER Lifting or Conditioning as follows:


Push ups, Rowing, Shoulder Accessory, Sled Drag, + Conditioning


Bike, Rhythm Squats, Jefferson Curl, Hip Flexor Raise, Couch Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Pendlay Row + Back Squat

Building: Hi Hang Snatch + Back Squat


Conditioning & Mobility


Running, Shoulder Press, Chins, Step ups, 90/90 + Conditioning


Split Squat, Tib Raise, Back Extension, Tuck ups, Row + Lifting

Foundation: Deadlift + Push Press

Building: Hi Hang Clean + Push Press


Conditioning: Intervals

Lifting: Snatch + CJ

Being: Handstand Practice

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