Week Preview: June 1-6

Sorry about the late post, it may happen from time to time over the summer where I don’t get the week preview up until Monday morning. Depends on how late the cabin keeps me! Foundation continues the accumulation, allllll the reps you could wish for in week 2/4. Building begins ‘new cycle’ which will just feel like an intensified version of what we have been doing! Our Being group digs in with week 3/4.



Foundation – FSQ & BSQ & Chin Ups + Goblets & Rows + For Time (KBS/Burpee/Run)

Building – BSQ + Push Press + For Time (KBS/Burpee/Run)



Foundation – Low Impact Day (Bike/Bear Crawl/Hip Ext/Farmer Walk/Row/Paloff)

Building – Snatch + Pull Ups + Aerobic Intervals (Walking Lunges with a twist/Ring Rows/Shuttle Run/Arm only Bike)



Foundation – Hip Bridge DB Floor Press & Rack Pull Deadlift + Pressing & Leg Curls + Gut Check For Time(Bike/Row)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – FSQ + Bench + Final Countdown (DB Thruster/K2E)



Foundation – Goblet Squat & Ring Row + DB Bench & RDL + Tabata Rowing

Building – Snatch + Deadlift + Pull Ups + DB Snatches



Everyone – TGU + Skipping + Intervals (Sled/KBS/Box Jump)

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