Week Preview: July 4 – 9

Hi all!

Hope you enjoyed the great long weekend, whether you came in for a little death by burpees with Gail, zipped out to the lake, or enjoyed some Canada Day festivities. We ended off June with another increase in attendance from last year (3%), lets keep it rolling into July! We continue with some testing for both groups as we gather data so we can map out the upcoming year of programming. So be sure to make it in and record the data so we can properly address the groups needs.



Foundation & Building – 10RM Front Rack Step Up + Intervals (Bike/Row/SIt Ups)



Foundation – Bench + Pull Ups + RDL

Building – Snatch + Clean & Jerk + Front Squat



Foundation – DB OH Carry + Harop & DB High Pull + Sled Push

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean & Jerk EMOM + BSQ + E2MOM (Burpees/PClean/Dips)



Foundation – Sumo Deadlift + Press + Bike

Building – EMOM Snatch + BTN Press + Bike



Foundation – Hang Clean High Pull + BSQ + For Time (Run/Squat/Sit Ups/Push Ups/Pull Ups)

Building – Hang Power Clean + BSQ + For Time (Run/Squat/Sit Ups/Push Ups/Pull Ups)

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