Week Preview July 19-24

Ok! We learnt our new lifts last week and now we get to practice. Building you’re gonna start loading it up. No Whiteboard Workout this week, just some fun conditioning on Tuesday (I know, I know, when I say it’s fun, that always seems scary).


Back Squat (Building OHS), Sled, Curls, Tricep Extn, Frog Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift
Building: Back Squat, Front Squat




Petersen Step-up, Sled Drag, Ring Dip or Incline Bench, Ring Row + Lifting

Foundation: Barbell Lunges, Bent over Barbell Row
Building: Push Press, Strict Press


Deadlift, CBP, L-sit, Trap 3, Jefferson Curl, T-spine rotation & Conditioning
Foundation: Tabata Row or Bike
Building; TnG Power Clean, HS Walking or hold


All Conditioning or Bench Press + Conditioning

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