Week Preview: July 18 – 23

Another great week in the books. We are in the peak of summer so naturally the gym is a little quieter, but we are still rolling at a higher attendance rate than last year so lets keep that up! I appreciate the heads up I am given as people take off for holidays, let me know if you’re going to be missing time so I’m not hassling you.



Foundation – FSQ + Single Arm Pressing + Chins & Bike

Building – Snatch Compex + FSQ + Chins & Bike



Foundation – Unilateral Work + “For Time” (Run/Burpees)

Building – Snatches + “For Time” (Run/Burpees)



Foundation – DB Overhead + Groiners + Farmer Walk + Sled

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – DB Overhead + Groiners + EMOM C&J + Sled



Foundation – SQ Iso Hold + DB High Pull + Push Ups & Row

Building – Push Press + Sq Iso Hold + Push Ups & Row



Team Workout – Join Mel For Burpees/Box Jumps/Farmer&fPlate Carries


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