Week Preview January 3-8

Hi everyone! We have another holiday workout tomorrow and then we’re back to our regular schedule with a brand new Foundation and Foundation Strength cycle starting on Tuesday. Tuesday and Thursday are our lifting days this week as I know you all are missing that. In this cycle we also do lifting on Saturdays with our bench press and then shorter conditioning.


Holiday Partner Workout with Coach Claire


BS or OHS, Sled Drag, Incline Bench, Chins, Rev Step ups + Lifting

Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift

Building: Pwr Clean, Jerk


Stretch and Conditioning


Deadlift, band pull in, DB Flye, Powell Raise, SL Back Extn, + Lifting

Foundation: Barbell Lunges, Bent Over Barbell Row

Building: Snatch, Back Squat


RDL, L-sit, External Rotation, Lateral Raise, Split Squat + Conditioning and Core


Foundation: Bench Press and Interval Conditioning

Building: Snatch, CJ, FS

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