Week Preview Jan. 6 – Jan 11

We’re in our final week of this Foundation cycle. People were feeling a bit rough at the end of last week, we had some pretty heavy lifting and some tough additions, coupled with the holidays and no one knowing what day it was ever. . . But tomorrow we’re back to regular routine.

Wednesday mornings have had lower attendance so we’ve taken them off the schedule for now. However, in the future if there is a solid group of people who need that time open please come speak to us and we’ll add it back in.


Foundation: DB Flye, Trap 3 Raise, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Press, HS Walk, Skipping

Building: Jerk

Being: HSPU’s, DU’s


Foundation: Skip/Planks, Deep Lunges, SL Back Extn, Banded Hip Flexion

Building: Pwr Cleans, Clean grip deadlift or back squats

Being: Hang Snatch, OHS, Burpees, Thrusters, Pull ups


Conditioning & Stretch


Foundation: Row or Bike, CGBP or Ring Dip, DB Row, Sled Push/Pull, Couch Stretch, Tucks ups/Hollow Arch Roll

Building: Jerk

Being: MU’s, HSPU’s


Foundation: Calf Raise, Nordic, Garhammer, Tempo FS & BS

Building: Snatch

Being: Handstand walk, DU’s


Conditioning: Partner Workout! Tailpipe 2.0

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: T2B, Bike, Pwr Clean

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