Week Preview: Jan. 5 – 10

Happy new year to alllllllllllllllllll!

new year

I was easy on people during the holidays, but the fun is over, I’m giving everyone this week to get themselves sorted out. After that, I’m gonna be ALL OVER YOU!


This upcoming weekend we have a few members participating in a competition over at CrossFit Winnipeg. If you get the chance on either Saturday or Sunday(OR BOTH!?!?!?!), head on over to cheer on Cristy, Nicole, Regan, Jenelle, Colin, and Scott. Best of luck!

We have some new trainers beginning our apprenticeship process, they will begin shadowing classes this week. Jay, Jenelle and Brad will be floating around, observing our coaching practices and helping out. They have plenty of knowledge, so listen to them AND DON’T TALK BACK! No I’m kidding. They are really nice. But if you talk back to me….


Here we go!

Foundation enters week 5/5 and well deserved de-load, pulling back on the weights. Building is in week 2/3 and Being 2/4.


Foundation – Back Squat + Single leg fun + Midline Stability

Building – Snatch + Push Press & Pull Up + Conditioning (PCl & AD) OR Strength (Dips/Pendlay Row/Chins)

Being – C&J + Split Jerk + Push Press + Moooooooore Cleans!



Foundation – Press + Bike Ride & Row…Then… Another Bike Ride? But don’t worry, it is only 1:00 🙂

Building – Back Squat + RDL + Conditioning (DB PCl/KBS/Burpee BJ/DB Sn/DU) YIKES OR Strength (Hip Ext./Core)

Being – Front Squat + Long Chipper (Box Jump/DU/DB PCl/KBS)



Foundation – Deadlift + CrossFit Fun (Burpees/KBS)

Building & Being – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean + Front Squat + Conditioning (Jump Lunge/Sled) OR Strength (Core)

Being – Snatch + OHS + Handstand Walk



Foundation – TGU + Bench + Body Weight Push & Pull + Bicep Sculpting

Building – Push Jerk + Bench + Conditioning(WB/Tuck UPs) OR Strength (DB Press/Pull Up)

Being – Deadlift + 10:00 of Snatch & Burpee!



Foundation – Front Squat + 10:00 or KBS & WB

Building – Back Squat + Deadlift + Rowing

Being – Gymnastic Practice (MU/HSPU/C2B) + Short Grind of Clean & Jerk & T2B

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