Week Preview – Jan. 4 – 9

Hope everyone had a fun New Years celebration!


Looking forward to everyone returning from the holiday travels and seeing all the familiar faces around Sublime again! Things always slow down a bit around this time of year with folks taking holidays and visiting with family, but I was impressed with how many of you kept a regular appearance at the gym over this time. For those that took some time away, welcome back, lets get started back into a routine… only 5 months till beach season 😉


Remember, the weekend of January 16th we have several members participating in Frostfit, lets try and get a cheering section over there for them. Also, Saturday Jan 30th is the Sublime Potluck party to celebrate 3 years of being in business. As always we will have great food, and some great prizes to give away, like a free month of training! But, you have to be there to win. Sign up sheet on the desk so we don’t get 10 trays of nanaimo bars! See you there.

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Foundation enters a new cycle, we will continue working the RPT in the Back Sq. However, if you stall out at the same weight AND reps for 2 consecutive weeks, please inform one of the trainers to tell me and I will provide you with a different rep scheme. The Monday beat downs are gone from this cycle, we will focus more on strength work and ‘toning’ as you will see higher rep counts. Plus we get to put in one of my favourite exercises, the BB hip thrust, gonna fire up those glutes!

Building hits week 4/4 but movements switch up a bit, be ready for a grind week with some of the lifting complexes.


Foundation – BB Hip Thrust + BSQ & Jumps + DB 1 1/4 SPSQ  + Single Leg RDL & Paloff ISO

Building – Snatch Complex + BSQ & Chin Ups + Alt Leg Split Jerk & Band Pull Aparts



Foundation – Interval Day! WB / KBS / Row Or Bike

Building – Clean EMOM + Clean Halting Deadlift & Push Ups + Rowing & KBS



Foundation – MB Throws + TGU + BB Press & Ring Chins + T Push Up & DB Rows

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – GHR + Hang Clean Thrusters + Ring Row & Bench + Hip Ext & DB Curls



Foundation – BB RDL + DB Alt Bench + Gob W.L + Curls & Press Downs & Renegade Rows.… aka The Arm Shredder

Building – Bodyweight Mania with a few different movements



Foundation – Let Jay show you all the different wonders of crawling + Aerobic Intervals (Bike/Skip/Row/Step Ups)

Building – Tough Grinder (Row/Burpees/Jerks)


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