Week Preview: Jan.30 – Feb. 4

Hello Hello!

This Saturday brings on our 4th annual Potluck! We usually celebrate another year of Sublime in January but with colliding schedules it was pushed way back to Feb.4th. So come in for a workout and stay for some grub, or just come for the grub! Bring a dish if you can, but most importantly bring yourself! Family & friends are welcome, the kids usually have free run of the place so pack them into the van on Saturday morning. As always we will be giving out some prizes (who wants a free months membership!?), BUT you gotta be there to win it! I’M DESPERATE FOR FRIENDSHIP!!!!


We will be launching another group in the Precision Nutrition Program beginning in March. We are offering early bird pricing to those who register before Feb. 1st. Space is limited so if you would like to be included in this please contact:

If you would like more information please feel free to ask us! Or read this article Brendan wrote, or this one, or this oneeee. I am a few months away from completing the program, and as a guy who always knew what I SHOULD be doing, but struggled on the HOW to do it, this program has been great. Not only in nutrition but just a general mind set change. I have been really impressed with this program so far, more than just weight loss, I saw my energy levels increase. Gradually overtime with the slow habit forming they taught me I felt like a new person.


Week 2! How those legs feel?!?!?


Foundation – Shoulder Prep + Inc. Bench & Ring Rows + Whiteboard Workout! (FSQ/Box Jump)

Building – Snatch + Inc. Bench & Ring Row + Whiteboard Workout! (FSQ/Box Jump)



Foundation – Deadlift + DB Step Ups & Bike + Stretching

Building – Clean Complex + Deadlift + DB Step Ups & Bike



Foundation – Bike & Sled Sprints + Long Row

Building – Rest up!



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch Complex + Bench & Rowing + Pull Ups & Bike



Foundation – BSQ + Bench & Row + GHR

Building – P-Cl + BSQ + GHR



Join Jay for a team workout (WB/KBS/BJ), then stay for some foooooooood!


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