Week Preview Jan. 27 – Feb 1

We had a full house for the Partner Hopper on Saturday! The winning team was Brent and Cristina with Nick and Claire close behind.

Deload week this week. We’ve been getting heavy with our squats and oly lifts for the past while. We’re gonna lay off that heavy lifting and switch gears to a little more conditioning for this week. The workouts are still pretty tough, just different. If you feel at all run down, take any rest days you might need, or focus on Foundation whenever needed.


Foundation: Band pull in, Back Extn, Calf Raise, Goblet Squat, Push ups, Farmers Walk, Bike

Building: quick cycling pwr snatch, CJ

Being: FS, BJSD, Row


Foundation: Interval Conditioning

Being: AMRAP 40


Sprints & Stretch


Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Push, Variety Stretch, Air Squats, Sit ups, Push ups, Burpees

Being: Handstand strength work, T2B, DL, Snatch


Everyone: WB Workout

Being: add handstand balance practice


Partner Workout

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