Week Preview: Jan.23-28


Partner hopper-5298

Congrats to our Partner Hopper Champs! The next Sublime Saturday Series is the Sublime Open. This is a 5 week event, with every Saturday between Feb.25 – March. 25 providing another opportunity to test your fitness. We will be tracking results over this period to determine our overall winner.


Save some time for Sublime on Saturday, Feb.4th! We will be hosting our annual potluck between 12:00-3:00. Sign up sheet will be on the desk shortly. No you don’t need to bring something paleo, yes you can bring friends and family, yes I will eat anything your bring, yes Don better bring those bacon wrapped walley again, party on.


Alrighty, new cycle!


Foundation – Shoulder Prep + Incline Bench & Ring Rows + Whiteboard Workout! (WB/Burpees)

Building – Snatch + Incline Bench & Ring Rows + Whiteboard Workout! (WB/Burpees)



Foundation – Deadlift + Russian Step Ups & Bike + Stretching

Building – Cleans + Deadlifts + Russian Step Ups & Bike



Foundation – Bike / Sled / Row

Building – Rest Up!



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch + Bench & Row + Pull Ups & Bike



Foundation – BSQ + Bench & Row + KBS

Building – Clean + BSQ + KBS



Everyone – A Classic! Join Gail and tackle Cindy! (Pull Ups / Push Ups / Squats )

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