Week Preview Jan. 13 – Jan 18

New Foundation cycle begins this week and with it you’ll see the return of the weekly Whiteboard Workout! Our Building cycle is a full 6 months so you’ll see that continue to progress.

Also all day on Friday I was promising that this was the last time we were doing tempo FS and BS. But just kidding. We’re still doing it. Friday. 10 second pause in the bottom.


Foundation: Seated GM, Garhammer, Rev. Step up, Tib Raise, Pigeon, Turkish Sit Up, Plank

Building: Power Snatch, Clean Pull or Back Squat

Being: HSPU’s, MU’s


Foundation: Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3, CB Pullover then: Goblet Squats, Bike, Skipping

Building: Jerk

Being: Pwr Snatch, Bike, DU’s


Conditioning & Stretch


Everyone: WB Workout!

Building: Jerk

Being: MU’s, HSPU’s


Foundation: Calf Raise, Nordic, SL band pull in, Tempo FS & BS

Building: Snatch

Being: DU’s


Conditioning: 45 min @ 75%

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: HS practice

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