Week Preview: Jan.11 – 16

Well that was the busiest week in Sublime’s young history, we turn three years old on the 16th! Good solid showing from our membership and looking for it to continue and grow as we still have several members away on vacation. Speaking of leaving… this will be Troys last week with us before he takes off to India for a few years. Great dude, been with us since the start and hate to see him leave. If you see him around make sure you get in your goodbyes.. gonna miss you Troy!

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Potluck sheet is filling up nicely…. Make sure you keep the 30th open!

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Schedule Note:

No Sunday classes this week… instead I encourage you to go check out our members and coaches competing in Frostfit this weekend! Good luck to, Leslie, Nicole, Vince, Crystal, Dawny, Jenelle, and Matt!

Foundation (how sore were you?) rolls on with week 2/4. Building starts with week 1/4. Being presses forward in week 3/4.



Foundation – BB Hip Thrusts (be mature now) + BSQ & Jumps + Split Sq + SLRDL & Paloff

Building – Snatch + BSQ & Chins + Alt. Leg Split Jerk & Band Pull Aparts



Foundation – Interval daaaaaaaaaaaaaay (WB/KBS/Row/Bike/Shuttle Run)

Building – Clean EMOM + Clean Halt-Deads & Push Ups + Intervals (Row/KBS)



Foundation – Ball Toss + TGU + Press & Ring Chins + T Push Up & DB Bent Over Rows

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – GHR + Clean Thruster + Ring Rows & Bench + Hip Ext & Curls



Foundation – Get those arms pumped up babbbbaaaaay – RDL + DB Bench + Split Sq ISO + Curl & Pressdowns & Renegade Rows

Building – Maintenance day – Mostly Bodyweight movements + Aerobic Bike/Skip



Foundation – Couple Crawls + Slightly Longer Intervals 🙂

Building – Saturday Grind Session (with rest) – Jerks/P-Clean/Burpees/KBS/WB


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