Week Preview for Jan.13 – 18

It’s De-Load Week!!!!!!!!!!! So no more complaining…

First off, giant congratulations to our competitors who slugged it out at the Undefeated CrossFit Competition. Melissa, Matt, Caitlin, Mark, Leslie, Gail, Nicole and Brad all made us proud. Great job everyone.

Second, it appears that we have some confusion in regards to the Potluck on the 18th. No you do not have to bring something paleo, it’s a party. Also, if you do not have time to get something together that doesn’t mean you can’t come…. I want everyone there, you will not be escorted off the premises if you do not have something to share. Yes, you can bring family and friends. Yes, Andy will be wearing a lime green singlet and doing a one time performance of Queens “we are the champions.”


Alright, here we go:


Building – Snatch + Back Squat + Lactic Power (Thruster/Burpee/Row)

Foundation – Front Squat + Full Body Strength work



Building – Max Aerobic Power (Pull Ups/Burpees(again)(bracket within a bracket)/T2B/WB/DU)

Foundation – Sled Sprints + Low % Aerobic circuit (step ups/ skipping/ burpee/ row..etc)



Building – Rest….CARB LOAD

Foundation – Bench Press & Pull Up + Full Body Strength



Building – 1Rm Back Squat (not kidding, carb up Wednesday) + Clean & Jerk + Lactic Power (MU or Pull Up)

Foundation – Rest



Building – Intense Max Aerobic Power (OHS/ Burpee (again!?!?)(yes)/ Box Jumps/ KBS)

Foundation – RDL + Full Body Strength



Building – Snatch + PCL & FS & Push Jerk + Gymnastic Skill

Foundation – Sled Sprints + Aerobic Interval (Ad/ KBS/ Box Jump/ Burpee)


1 Comment

  • Gail T

    January 13, 2014 @ 1:34 pm

    Thank you to all the people that came out last Saturday in order to cheer us on as competitors!  Though I tend to focus and zone things out when I’m actually in the heat of the event, I appreciate the cheers of motivation in those moments when I absolutely do not want to continue!

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