Week Preview February 6-11

It’s a bit cold out you guys, but we have lots of fun weekend activities going on this month to help take your mind off of it.

This Saturday Feb 11 is a big DAY for the gym. Feats of Strength is here! Join me and test out some lifts of your choice, plus a mystery event to keep you on your toes. It’s full, but if you want to come put your name on the wait list and I will determine if we have enough equipment to add some more people.

Plus, to add to the fun, we have our anniversary celebration that evening. Wednesday is the last day to sign up for the party so go into Mind Body and get your name on the list!


Sled Drag, Scott Curl, BS, Split Squat, Side Plank

Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift

Building: FS


Conditioning & Core


Conditioning & Stretch


Back Extension, External Rotation, Dragon Flag, BTN Press, Rev Nordic

Foundation: Split Squat, Row

Building: Snatch, CJ


Conditioning & Stretch


FEATS OF STRENGTH! Plus that party 😉

Here are the details for Feats of Strength:

Back Squat1.25 (points per pound)
Bench Press1.625
Push Press1.85
Clean & Jerk1.75
Mystery EventWinner + 25 pts

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