Week Preview February 21-26

Okay that’s a wrap for the 8 week Foundation cycle and 6 month building strength cycle. Fun Partner Workout coming up on the holiday Monday. Still a couple spots available for that! Then next week we deload and coming up on Saturday we start taking on the Sublime Open workouts (these workouts will be based on the CrossFit Open workouts and scaled appropriately for our group). It’ll be like a mini whiteboard workout each Saturday where we tally up all the scores at the end of 5 weeks!


Partner Workout with Coach Claire


Back Extn, External Rotation, Dragon Flag, Behind the Neck Press, Rev. Nordic

Foundation: Interval Conditioning: Row, Push ups, Box Jump

Building: Interval Conditioning: Muscle up or Ring Dips, P-Cl, Burpees


Stretch and Conditioning


SL Back Extn, Band Pull In, DB Flye, Band Pull Apart, Wall Slides

EMOM Conditioning


Sled Push, Frog Stretch, Split Squat, Calf Raises, Couch Stretch + Variety Movement Conditioning


Sublime Open!! With Coach Stacie

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