Week Preview February 20-25

We had a really fun time doing our first Sublime Open workout on Saturday. As Laura liked to put it, “this is a tall boys workout”. Lots of rowing and many, many wallballs. Nick and Marley and Ryan took on the Rx version and everyone else did Scaled and/or modified versions. The top scores in the scaled category were Laura for the women and Tony for the men. Everyone was so close though! Very exciting to watch. We have another one next weekend and there are a few spots left so come join in the fun!

We have a short week coming up. A holiday workout on Monday and then our lifting days on Tuesday and Thursday.


Holiday Partner Workout!


Sled Push, Seated GM, Leg Raise, Bike, Couch Stretch

Foundation: Pendlay Row, BS

Building: OHS, Hang P-Sn


Conditioning & Stretch


Row, calf raise, v ups, FS, Ring Leg Curl

Foundation: RDL, Landmine Press

Building: CJ, Push Press


Incline Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90

Foundation: Aerobic Pace Conditioning

Building: Squats + optional conditioning



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