Week Preview February 14-19

Alright last week of this cycle. Bit of a deload this week in preparation for the weekend and Feats of Strength. If you aren’t going to come in on Saturday for Feats of Strength and you are doing your Foundation lifts this week, feel free to see what your heavy doubles or singles look like in your favourite lift that you’ve been working on.


Back Squat, Sled Drag, Incline Bench, Chins, Rev Step up + Lifting

Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift

Building: Clean & Jerk, Snatch


RDL, L-sit, Extn, Rotation, Lateral Raise, Split Squat + Conditioning


Stretch and Conditioning


Deadlift, band Pull in, DB Flye Stretch, Powell Raise, SL Back Extn. + Lifting

Foundation: Barbell Lunges, Bent Over Barbell Row

Building: Snatch, CJ


Around the World Conditioning + Extended Stretching Session


Feats of Strength – We only do it once every six months so don’t miss out! Pick two of your favourite lifts to see what your 1 RM is (squat, bench, deadlift, CJ, Snatch) plus a mystery challenge!

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