Week Preview: Feb. 8 – 13

Great work on testing week Building crew!

The opens are approaching! I have registered Sublime so if you want to sign up and see where you rank you can join our squad! We will be reserving a time slot on Saturday morning/afternoon between 11:00 – 1:00pm, if you are in the Building program and want to give it a go let us know and sign up!


Crossfit for Choices makes a triumphant return. It was on a hiatus last year, so for those of you who don’t know what it is all about, let me quickly break it down. We work with a friend of mine, Kasia, to help a cause within Winnipeg.

12647300_1141938905831350_5061571353236738097_n We dropped in at Billy Mo to check it out.

Last time it was to help the kids of William Whyte School Division get basketball jerseys and more gym equipment. This year we will be raising money to support a local inner city youth hockey program. I went with Kasia this past Wednesday to check it out and it looks like a great cause. Currently Sisler High school generously gives up half their practice ice to allow these kids to run some drills and play games. Many only have skates, gloves(some only have one), and a helmet, and they share hockey bags. So we will be helping to raise funds for equipment and for ice time. I will announce more details later this week. We will run the same format as past years, teams of 4, preferably 2 ladies with 2 men. Save the date, Saturday, April 23rd!


We will not have a noon class this Tuesday. RBC has asked us to participate in their ‘health week’, so we will be there speaking to their employees about living a healthy lifestyle between 12:00 – 2:00pm. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Foundation wraps up week 3/3. Building starts new in week, plenty of upper body work & an increase in conditioning.


Foundation – Hip Thrusts + BSQ + Split SQ + Suitcase Deadlift & Dead Bug

Building – Snatch + Jerks + Press & DB Bench & T Push Ups + Chins & Ring Rows & Band Pull Aparts



Foundation – Circuits (Bike/WB/Row/BJ/Burpee/KBS)

Building – Rowing Intervals – Get your sweat on!



Foundation – TGU + Bench & Chins + Arm Shreddin

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean + Jerk + BSQ & DB Cleans & Gob Sq + Harop Curl & Hip Ext & KBS



Foundation – RDL + DB Bench + Walking Lunge + FW & UB Bike & Sled

Building – Circuits (WB/Skipping/Sled/Row/Burpees/Bike)



Foundation – Crawls – Midline – Aerobic Work

Building – Midline Intervals + Cossack Sq & Upper Body Intervals

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