Week Preview: Feb 29, 2016


Rumour is that Kyle has got lost in the woods, so I guess that leaves me to do the post this week.


Well, the first week of the Open[s] is behind us! Feels good to come in and crank out one focused intense piece for a change I bet! I am seriously wishing I had some pictures to post of today’s hard work. It was really inspiring to walk in and see all the flushed faces of those who had just finished, the excited/nervous look of those about to start, and then see everyone put out their best.



Foundation starts a BRAND NEW CYCLE. Building slugs away at the final week of theirs. Being is in their “in-season” phase of training… week 2/5.


Foundation – Bench, Squat, Gymnasties

Building – Snatch + Split Jerk Work + Pres & DB Bench & T Push Up + Chin Ups & Ring Rows & Band Pull Aparts


Foundation – Row/Bike/KBS/WB aerobic work

Building -Aerobic Circuits (Thrusters/Skips/Sled/Row/Burpee Box Jumps/Bike)


Foundation – DB Bench/RDL/Correctives & Curls

Building – Rest


Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean + Jerks + BSQ & DB Clean & Gob Sq + Harop & Hip Ext & KBS


Foundation – Front Squat, Ring Pull-up, Sled Drag, More Gymnasties

Building – Row and Bike aerobic work


Everyone – Sublime Opens 16.2 (DL, Push-ups, BJSD)

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