Week Preview: Feb.27 – March 4

Hello allllllll!

A message from Coach Jay:

“A tremendous start to the Sublime Open. Everyone who attended was thrilled to hear (and tackle) the first workout….how do I know? I heard many comments from members that started with an F-U-…which must have meant the next letter was going to be an N. We had a full house for 9:30 and the energy was awesome and watching people tear through the workout and cheering each other on is why I love being a part of the Sublime community.

Unfortunately, our 10:30 slot only had one person come out to play. While she hit the workout hard, I would love to see more of you next week so 10:30 is just as exciting as 9:30.

Are you still on the fence about being in the Sublime Open?

I’m not going to sugar coat it, Coach Brendan has designed some hard tester workouts for us. But when we get together even workouts we might dread are a whole lot better. Come be part of the F-U-N, yes there’s a little competition but more importantly it’s a great way to get pushed to see just how much progress you’ve made by being a member of the Sublime family. See you next Saturday for 17.2!”

Series 17.1

In the end only 3 men participated this Saturday, which means you are only 3 points out of 1st place! Because this is a 5 week event, it is unlikely members will be able to make it every Saturday and that is fine! If you miss a day, you get the last place score, so everyone remains in the mix.

For the final week of this cycle we have a De-Load of sorts for you, pulling back on the volume and still pushing the intensity if it feels right!



Foundation – Shoulder Prep + Incline Bench & Chins + Dips and Flyes

Building – Snatch + Incline Bench & Chins + Dips and Flyes



Foundation – Deadlift + Walking Lunges + Log Rollin

Building – Clean + Deadlift + Walking Lunges



Foundation – A Sweet Little Bike Ride

Building – Ressssssst



Foundation – Reeeeeeeeeessssssssssssttttttttt

Building – Snatch + Press & Pendlay Row + Intervals (Dynamic Lunges/Push Ups/Jumping/Rowing)



Foundation – Press & Pendlay Row + FSQ

Building – Clean + FSQ



Come On Down For The Sublime Open 17.2 Event! Coach Jay Will Be Waiting!

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