Week Preview Feb 24 – Feb 29

Saturdays have been BUSY at Sublime lately. This week we have endurance conditioning on Wednesday and sprints on Saturday.

We skipped right over February and didn’t have any Sublime Saturdays but next one is scheduled for March 14 and we’re going for beers in the evening to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Mark it in your calendar and join us for one or both!


Foundation: Seated Good Morning, Garhammer, Step ups, Tib Raise, Pigeon, Burpee Box Jump, Sled, Bike, Thrusters

Building: Hang Snatch, Halting Snatch Deadlift or Back Squat

Being: Add: T2B, DU’s and HSPU’s


Foundation: Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3, Cross Bench Pullover, V ups, Skipping, Push ups

Building: Push Jerk

Being: Add: Kipping Pull ups


Conditioning & Stretch

Being: Pwr Cleans, Handstand Walks


Everyone: Whiteboard Workout

Being: Add: MU’s and HSPU’s


Foundation: Band Pull in, Nordics, Calf Raise, Tempo Front Squat and Back Squat

Building: Hang Clean

Being: Add: DU’s and T2B


Conditioning (SPRINTS) or Lifting

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