Week Preview Feb 22-27

Okaaay! We’ve been open for a full week and everyone is starting to feel a little less awkward and anxious about being back in the gym. The general feedback I’ve received is that people are feeling very safe with their return to exercising in a public space. We’re taking things slow and steady but I’ve made a little change to the programming this week. We will be doing a strength training focus for one additional day. I feel this will be more balanced in general but I also feel it might make the mask wearing a little less cumbersome.


Cross BP, Cuban Rotation, Farmer Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back Squat
Building: Hi Hang Pwr Clean, Back Squat


Row, Calf Raises, V-ups, FS, Ring Leg Curl + Conditioning


Conditioning and mobility


DB Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Deadlift, Push Press
Building: Push Press


Sled Push, Hanging Leg Raise, Seated GM, Bike, Couch Stretch + Lifting          

Foundation: Back Squat
Building: Hi Hang Pwr Snatch, Snatch DL


Lifting: Snatch + CJ
Being; HS Work

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