Week Preview Feb 18 – Feb 24

Holiday Monday we have a workout! 9:30 am.

This Saturday join Coach Brendan as we start the CrossFit Open workouts! Everyone who shows up on Saturday will participate in some variation. Each week new workouts will be released and we will likely provide three options to choose from. We will keep score and at the end determine who is the fittest at Sublime!

The three categories:

Scaled (with age/gender categories)
Sublime Scaled (with movements inside the Sublime method)

Here’s what’s coming up this week!


Holiday Workout: Join Coach Claire for some solid prep work and then “Another Fight Gone Bad”


Foundation: Seated GM, Garhammers, Reverse Step Up, Tib Raise, Pigeon

Building: Hang Snatch, Halting Snatch Deadlift or Back Sq

Being: Add – DU’s & Snatch

Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility

New stretches this week!


Foundation: DB Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Cross-Bench Pullover, Trap 3

Building: Add – Push Press

Being: Add – Kipping Pull ups


Foundation: SL Band Pull in, Nordic, Calf Raise, Tempo Front Squat & Back Squat

Building: Add – Hang Clean

Being: Add – DU’s & T2B


Sublime Saturday Series: Join Coach Brendan for CrossFit Open 19.1!


Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: add Skill: HS Walks & TnG Power Cleans

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