Week Preview – Feb. 15 – 20

We have Holiday hours in place for Monday… check em out!

Our Crossfit for the Community event is filling up fast, we have 7 spots remaining! Date is Saturday, April 23rd!

We will be raising funds to help a local inner city youth hockey program. Kasia and myself dropped in one Wednesday evening to talk with Con. Chinchilla(awesome name right?) and we got to watch the program in action. Currently, they split the ice with the Sisler Spartans practice times. Many of these kids only have a helmet & skates, some have gloves, some only have one glove, and they share hockey bags. While the equipment and ice time is lacking, they love it and have lots of fun on the ice. Mr. Chinchilla has a dream of gathering these kids together to get them involved in organized hockey. And that is a dream I can get behind. ALL money raised will go towards purchasing equipment for the kids & getting them ice time. Hockey isn’t a cheap sport, but everyone should get the opportunity to play. Click the HERE to watch a news story on the program.


The event will be similar to previous years, teams of 4 (2 men/2 women). I would love to see some old teams reunite! We will be capping this at 20 teams. Any skill level is welcome, we ask that at least 1 member on each team be familiar with Olympic lifting. Teams will be asked to perform a variety of movements, from weightlifting to bodyweight excersies. This event is purely for fun. We see A LOT of negative news in the world, this is a chance for people to get together with a postive attitude, break a sweat and contribute to a good cause. We are asking for a minimum $100 donation per team. Kasia and others from the program will be on hand to collect donations and offer tax reciepts if requested. Please start getting teams together, assign a team captain and email Kyle @kyle@sublimesc.com to reserve your spot.

The Week Preview

Foundation gets a deload week.
Building slugs away at week 2.
And Being moves into their LAST WEEK OF TRAINING prior to the CrossFit Opens! The time has come. The time is now. Go sign up for the Open!
P.S. For those in the Foundation and Building programs, we have our own in-house “Sublime Open” coming your way. To participate you just need to reserve a spot in a heat every Saturday for the 5 weeks.

Foundation – BBHipThrust, BS/BoxJump, Front Squat, BBSLRDL/Pretend you’re a dying bug attached to a bungee
Building – Snatch, Jerk, 6-12-25 for the shoulders and back

Foundation – 3-2-1-GO CROSSFIT feat. WB, KBS and Burpees
Building – Interval Row and Bike

Foundation – Play catch, Get intense with the TGU, Bench and Pull-up
Building –  Roll around on your belly on a “princess ball

Foundation – What Building did yesterday
Building – 3PosClean, Jerk, Leg Day

Foundation – Speedy Deads, DB Bench, Sled Push MAX, Farmer Walk
Building – 2 x 10m aerobic pieces

Foundation – Recovery and mobility day
Building – Gymnasties


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