Week Preview: December 28 – January 2

I hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend! Here is the final week preview of 2015…crazy!

Reminder: Sublime Potluck is on Saturday, Jan.30th @1pm. We are going to put a sign up sheet on the desk so folks to say what they are bringing. Please don’t stress over what to bring, most important part is just being there! As always, family and significant others are welcome.


Also, have you met Vince?


Vince has been with us for over a year now, and has wanted to get involved with coaching you great people for some time now but the timing just wasn’t right. Well he has figured out a way to get involved by becoming our Sunday coach. Vince has coached before and shadowed along with our coaches, he has plenty to offer folks, try and pop in for a Sunday and learn from this chiselled specimen.

Okay! Foundation wraps up week 4/4 with a slight deload, while Building slides into week 3/4!

Program is still a little mashed up due to New Years Day, we got you covered Mon – Thur!


Foundation – Back Sq & Ring Pull Ups + For Time (Lunges/KBS/Row)

Building – Sn Bal & Jumps + Bsq & Ring Pull Up + DB Split Sq & Band Pull Aparts



Foundation – Clash of Clams + TGU/Skip/Sq Iso/Tuck Sit….Don’t worry it is less than last week 🙂

Building – P-Clean & Jerk Emom + Clean Pull & Deadlift & Push Ups + KB C&J + Row



Foundation – Bench & Chop Chop + Intervals (Hr/Push Ups/Hip Ext/V-Up)

Building – Body Weight Mania + Bike Fun



Foundation – Gob RFESS + Hing Row Bicep Buster + DB Press + Deadlifts + Bike Ride … Less sets but…..

Building – Clean & Fsq Complex + Pendlay Row & Bench + DB SL Dead + GHR


Friday: Sleep. Eat. Make some goals for 2016.



Foundation – Intervals (HR/Push Ups/Hip Ext/V-Ups) + Intervals (Row/Sled/Bike)

Building – Brendan is putting on a mock Competition for the folks competing in FrostFit. Building members are welcome to join in, or complete the Foundation workout.

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