Week Preview: December 14 – 19

Well that was fun!


I’m waiting on Gails photos from the day, this was the only one I had handy… sorry for not making the cut fellas!

Lift off was great, and the Building test period went very well in general. We saw some great totals from our lifters, a few Prs mixed in, but most importantly plenty of made reps. We are looking at doing more of these types of things around our testing periods, including the Foundation group as well. A little friendly competition in the safe confines of Sublime. Big thanks to Jay and Gail for helping me judge, as well as to Scrivs, Curtis and Stacie for loading up the weights for our lifters!

Remember, January 30th is the Sublime Potluck party. Keep it open!


Okaaaaaaaaaaay, Foundation rolls on in week 2/4. Building shifts into a new cycle in week 1. Being can see the light with week 3/4.



Foundation – Bsq & Chin Ups + AMRAP (Bike/Lunge/Plank)

Building – Sn Balance/OHS Work & Jumps & Ring Pull Ups + DB Split Sq & Band Pull Aparts



Foundation – Clam Shell’n It + TGU/Squat Iso/Tuck Sits/FW

Building – C&J EMOM + Clean 1st Pull & Deads & Push Ups + KB C&J & Rowing Intervals



Foundation – Bench & Paloff + Intervals (HR/Push Ups/Hip Ext./Straddle Or V Ups Or Hanging Leg Raise)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean & Fsq Complex + Pendlay Row & Db Bench + DB SL Dead + GHR



Foundation – GOB RFESS + Row Row Hold + OH DB Press + Deadlift + Bike (The end is near)

Building – Moving Body Weight Till Your Body Rocks(?)



Foundation – Intervals (HR/Push Ups/Hip Ext./Straddle Or V Ups Or Hanging Leg Raise) & Intervals (Bike/Row/Sled)

Building – Jumps in with the Being group. DU & HSPU Practice + 3 RFT (Row/Deadlift/Jumps)

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