Week Preview: Dec. 7 – 12

Hey Hey!

Sublime Lift Off is this Saturday beginning roughly around 2pm! We have 12 lifters, be sure to come down and check it out. Should be a good time.


Quick save the date for ya: The afternoon of January 30th will be the Sublime Potluck…. SO KEEP IT OPEN!


How young does Jordan look there?

Foundation begins week 1/4, we are continuing to see success with the RPT so we are going to keep it rolling. Building wraps up the second week of a de-load/testing week, again remember that during this week you will rest on Tuesday and come in Wednesday if possible. Being keeps on keeping on with week 2/4.



Foundation – BSQ & Chins + For Time (Row/Lunge)

Building – Snatch Max + FSQ & Chins + RFESS + Trap 3 Raise**

** Watch this informative video



Foundation – Working dem arms & Abs + Intervals

Building – Rest & EAT



Foundation – Bench & Paloff + Strength Accessory (HR/Ring Push Ups/Hip Ext/Straddle Ups+)

Building – Jerk Max + Incline Bench + Deadlift 5RM



Foundation – Rest up young Jedi

Building – Aerobic + Mobility



Foundation – Goblet RFESS + Pull Up Work + Single Arm Pressing + Deadlift + Bike Intervals

Building – C&J Max** + Long Aerobic

** If participating in the Sublime Lift Off on Saturday, come in and do your opening weight X 3 Singles.



Everyone – Strength Work + Long Aerobic

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