Week Preview Dec. 31 – Jan. 5

Hey, hey, we had our Christmas Bowling Party this weekend. Carleigh and Brian didn’t tell anyone until half way through that they used to be superstar bowlers when they lived in Korea, and Ashton kicked a bowling ball off the lane and through a back service door. Other than that it was what you’d expect from a typical night of bowling.

This coming week is the last week of this cycle. New cycle starting January 7th. No 5:15 or 5:45 slots on Monday. We also have a holiday workout later in the morning on New Years Day so you have plenty of time to get up and pull yourself together.

Here’s your run down of what you can expect to see on each day next week:

Monday – New Years Eve

Foundation: DB chest fly, Trap Raise, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Press

Building: Jerk

Being: HSPUs & DU’s

Tuesday – New Years Day

Join Coach Stacie at 11 am for Glee Club 3.0

Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility

LOTS of groin work in this series.


Foundation: Row or Bike, CGBP or Ring Dips, DB Row, Sled Push/pull, Couch Stretch

Building: Add: Jerk

Being: Add: MU’s & HSPU’s


Foundation: Calf Raise, Nordic Curl, Garhammer Raise, Front & Back Squat

Building: Add: Snatch

Being: Add: HSW & DU’s


Join Coach Claire for Tailpipe 2.0

Or Building: Snatch, CJ, FS

Or Being: TTB, Bike, Pwr Cleans

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