Week Preview Dec 30 – Jan 4

Back to regular schedule this week with the exception of closing early on New Years Eve (last class at 4:45) and a holiday workout on New Years Day at 10:30 am (a little later in case you do something crazy, like actually stay up until midnight).

Our Harvest bin is still gonna be there until Tuesday so if you want to donate you only have a couple days left. Thanks so much to everyone who has brought things so far.

AAAANNNDD we have a sign up sheet on the desk so we can have a head count for our holiday/anniversary outing THIS FRIDAY so go sign up if you haven’t already!


Foundation: Cross Bench Pullover, Cuban Rot., SA FW, Sled Push, Pike Stretch, Turkish sit-up, Plank

Building: Push Jerk

Being: MU, HSPU’s


Foundation: Row, Calf Raise, V-ups, FS, Ring leg curls, KBS, WB, Skip

Building: Cleans, Clean grip deadlift or back squats

Being: Hang Snatch, WB, DU’s


Holiday Workout with Claire!! 10:30 am


Foundation: BB Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 hip pulse, KBS, Bike, Thursters

Building: Jerk

Being: Deadlifts, Bike, Thursters


Foundation: Sled, Seated Good Morning, Hanging Leg Raise, Bike, Couch Stretch

Building: Snatch, Snatch deadlift or BS

Being: T2B, S2O


Conditioning: Partner Workout! Spy vs. Spy

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: Handstands, DU’s

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