Week Preview: Dec.27-31

Hope you all had a great weekend! Santa visited Sublime over Christmas as well….although currently his gifts come in the form of a Visa bill…but soon we will be unwrapping some new toys for you all to play with in 2017! Keep your eyes open.


The new shirts are going fast, be sure to grab one next time you are in!


We are closed for December 26th, and have no 6am class December 27th. Otherwise the week runs as per usual. Come on in and put those Christmas treats to work!

We had a whole lotta fun doing The Grinch on Saturday, be sure to join Jay this upcoming Saturday as he takes you through the “12 days of Crossfit!”

If you have Coach Jenelle running your group this week, or just catch her in the gym, be sure to say goodbye! She will be travelling for the month of January. Have fun Jenelle, we will miss you!

Okay, here we go!



Foundation – Shoulder Warm Up + DB Press & Neutral Chins + Abs & Windmills

Building – Snatch EMOM + DB Press & Neutral Chins + Abs & Windmills



Everyone: Bodyweight Bonaza + Deadlifts + 15:00 Moderate effort (Tuck Ups/Crawls/Ab wheel/Hip Ext)



Foundation – TGU + Rowing Intervals

Building – C&J + Bench & DB Rows + Rowing/Pull Ups/Push Ups



Foundation – Bench & DB Rows + FSQ + GHR + RKC Plank

Building – FSQ + RDL + GHR + RKC Plank



Everyone – Join Jay as he walks you through the 12 Days Of Crossfit!

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