Week Preview: Dec. 21 – 26

I hope everyone gets to take a little time off from work over the next two weeks, safe travels to those of you heading out of the city to visit family! We got a little mash up of a week, were going to have some fun with it.


Foundation is in week 3/4… if you have stalled out with some of the lifts let us know and we have the prescription! I noticed a few hit the same weights in bench. Building gets over the first week of a new cycle soreness and grinds on in week 2!


Foundation – Bsq & Ring Chin Ups + For Time (Row/Burpee)

Building – Sn Balance & Jumps + Bsq & Ring Chin Up + DB Split Sq & Band Pulls



Foundation – Clambin It Up + TGU & Skip & Sq Iso + Tuck Sits & Farmer Walks + Intervals (Row/Bike/Sled)

Building – Clean & Jerk EMOM + Clean Position Work & Push Ups + Intervals (KB C&J + Rowing)



Foundation – Bench & Paloff Press + Intervals (HR/Push Ups/Hip Ext./V Ups)

Building – Body Weight Till The Cows Come Home + Some Bike



Everyone – Top Secret, Come Learn How The Gringe Trained To Steal Christmas



Merry Christmas!



Come Join Jay For A Sublime Take On 12 Days Of Christmas Workout!

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