Week Preview – Dec.19-24

It is time for a yearly tradition here at Sublime. Be sure to get in on Saturday December 24th to learn how the Grinch trained to steal Christmas.


**Please note that we will have Holiday hours on Friday evening, December 23rd we start a little earlier and finish a little earlier, to allow our staff to attend family outings and we will be closed Monday, December 26th** The cold should have released its death grip on us by then, get outside and play! Have a great Christmas weekend everyone.


Our 2016 Sublime Saturday Series wrapped up this past weekend with The Lift Off. Great job by all those who participated, I know it can be nerve racking to have everyone silently watching you lift, but I was really happy with what we saw. Congratulations to Cristy and Tim on earning the cup, better watch your back next year!

We were originally going to take a month off before the CrossFit/Sublime Open began in February. But instead we will have The Partner Hopper on January 21st to kick off the 2017 Sublime Saturday Series!

Okay here we go:


Foundation – DB Press & Neutral Chins + Tuck Sits & Windmills

Building – EMOM Snatch + DB Press & Neutral Chins + Tuck Sits & Windmills



Foundation & Building – Buncha Body Weight Squats + Deadlift + Low % Aerobic (Tuck Ups/Bear Crawl/Row)



Foundation – TGU + Row / Bike / Sled / KBS

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – 3 Position C&J + Bench & DB Row + Rowing/Pull Ups/Chin Ups



Foundation – Bench & DB Row + FSQ + GH Raise & Plank

Building – FSQ + RDL + GH Raise & Plank



Everyone: Jay will be running The Grinch Training Camp. Come Join The Fun.

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