Week Preview – Dec. 17-22

Hi everyone, we just completed our last Sublime Saturday event of 2018 with Stacie, Cristina, Jason, and Grayson all showing up to see what they could do! Great job you guys.

Dec. 23rd Open Gym is cancelled on Sunday, but you can see the Xmas schedule posted in the gym for class times the following week.

This week we’re back to the top, for our last time through this Foundation work.


Foundation: Push ups, Rowing, DB Shoulder work, Sled Drag

Building: Add: Push Jerk

Being: Add: C2B & S2O


Foundation: Bike, Step Ups, Jefferson Curl, Hip Flexor Raise & Couch Stretch

Building: Add: Power Clean & Clean Deadlift or Back Squat

Being: Add: DU, Hang Squat Snatch, Box Jump

Wednesday: Stretch & Mobility

Join us for stretching! New series, couple old ones and a couple new ones.


Foundation: Skip, DB Shoulder Press, Chin ups, Sled Drag, 90/90 pulses

Building: Add: Jerk

Being: Add: MUs & HSPUs


Foundation: Split SQ, Tibialis Raise, Hip Ext, Tuck-ups, Farmers Walk or Row.

Building: Add: Snatch, Snatch Deadlift or Back Squat

Being: 45 min for quality, Squat Clean, T2B, Box Jump, Row


Foundation/Building or Being: Conditioning – Row, KBS, WB, Bike, BJSD, Burpees

Building/Being: Lifting – Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: Handstand Practice, DU’s

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