Week Preview: Dec.12-17

Allllllllllllllrighty we are moving on from our previous cycle! Foundation begins week 1/6 and we start with an accumulation phase. Building will get plenty of opportunity to work on their Olympic Lifting as this week will be in preparation for the final Sublime Saturday Series event of 2016, The Lift Off! So, are you participating?!?



Foundation – DB Press & Pull Ups + Ab Work

Building – Snatch + C&J + Pull Ups & Thrusters



Foundation – Movement Fun + Deadlift + Skipping & Tuck Ups

Building – P-Sn + P-Cl & Jerk + Skipping & Tuck Ups



Foundation – TGU + Rowing & Biking & Sleds

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch + C&J + Row/Pull Ups/Push Ups



Foundation – Bench Press & Db Rows + FSQ + GH Raise & RKC Plank

Building – Snatch + C&J + Play (Pistols/Wall Walks)



Team Workout: Row/KBS/WB Annnddddddd LIFT OFF!!!!!!

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