Week Preview Dec. 10-15

Hi guys, so this Saturday is The Lift Off, our last Sublime Saturday event of 2018.

The schedule is as follows:

9:30- Regular class

10:30- The Lift Off

11:30- Brunch/Lunch @ Browns on Main

Feel free to come out and take part in any or all of these activities!

Next week is a de-load for all Building/Being athletes, with the exception of those participating in The Lift Off. Last week had some pretty intense workouts so now is the time to recover and focus of your Foundation.

Here’s your run down of what you can expect to see on each day next week:


Everyone: DB chest fly, Trap Raise, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Press

Lift Off Athletes Only: Clean & Jerk


Everyone: Skipping, plank, DB Walking Lunge, Tibialis Raise, SL Back Ext, SL Band Hip Flexion

Lift Off Athletes Only: Snatch

Wednesday: Stretch & Mobility

Learn to contract/relax and breath into your stretches.


Foundation: Row or Bike, CGBP or Ring Dips, DB Row, Sled Push/pull, Couch Stretch

Lift Off Athletes Only: CJ & Snatch 


Foundation: Calf Raise, Nordic Curl, Garhammer Raise, Front & Back Squat

Lift Off Athletes Only: REST DAY


Foundation Conditioning: Join Coach Claire for steady state aerobic training. Bike, BJSD, Row, Skipping, SA KBS


then EAT

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